‘DELASAL’ college innovated and aimed at:
- Strategical advantages that Cloud Computing offers to an organisation
- The optimised communication between parents/guardians and the teaching staff
and introduced since school year 2015-2016 the use of the information internet platform 4Schools.
4Schools is not only a WEB management system of an educational institution, but also a complete platform that allows the College to adopt a completely new and modern way of operation. It provides the school administration, the secretariat and all teachers with a work environment and tools that will help them correspond to increased demands of our times and organise the learning process in the most modern and interactive way.
The Cloud technology used by the platform gives students and parents the chance to have direct and safe access to the following information through their computer, their tablet or their mobile phone from any place in the world:
- Grades of written exams
- Assessment of students’ performance
- Educational material and notes per class
- Online exams and tests
- Video and presentations
- Projects to be assigned