Detailed characteristics
4Schools provides a modern means for the operation of every educational organisation, and it covers a fascinating range of activities, from tracking student attendance to keeping contact with parents and supporting educator productivity.
Its innovation, simplicity, flexibility and trustworthiness reflect the wide-ranging experience of the team at EPAFOS with computerised systems at educational institutions. We promise that you will love 4Schools right away.
Your secretaries and administrative staff...
Your students...
Your teachers...
The parents...
will be able to get information from their homes or offices about anything relevant to their children’s progress via 4Schools. They can receive all documents, forms and supporting materials regarding the school electronically.
They will be able to consent to their child’s participation in school events or activities and state their preferences regarding any issue from their PC or mobile phone.
Detailed characteristics
QR Code Scanning System
Candidate's Registration Form
Library System
Mobile App
Two Factor Authenticator
Digital Documents
Daily activities notebook
Syllabus book
Calendar - Schedule
SMS and email notifications