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Is my information safe?


Your laptop, your local server and your mobile phone can fail in many ways. Their hard drives can be destroyed, their files may be copied without your knowledge, your phone or laptop can be stolen or lost. Such incidents happen every day, even to the most careful of us. 4Schools is a cloud-based service and offers a high level of safety and availability for your data (sovereignty and protection), as well as access to it under controlled circumstances. No one else can have access to your data, except through permissions granted by you, as we have high safety standards, in all aspects.

The storage of your data at 4Schools is done through the Microsoft cloud service Azure, one of the most modern data storage systems and trusted by thousands of organisations that manage critical and sensitive data such as banks, governmental organisations, insurance companies, health organisations and telecommunications corporations. The safety, protection, transparency and sovereignty of your data are assured by the Microsoft Azure platform through the use of Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) from the initial design on.

Certifications: Azure meets a wide series of international, local and special industrial compliance standards, including ISO 27001, FedRAMP, SOC 1 and SOC 2. Azure complies with strict safety controls that are included in these standards and this is shown by accurate controls conducted by third bodies certifying that Azure services meet international industrial standards, certifications, certificates and licenses.

Microsoft Azure has the following certifications: CDSA, CJIS, CSA CCM, EU Model Clauses, FERPA, FIPS 140-2, ISO/IEC 27018, ISO/IEC 27001/27002:2013, PCI DSS, SOC 1 and SOC 2.

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to give you a detailed offer, after first studying your needs and finding the ideal options that suit your educational organization.